Thursday 12 May 2016

Assessment rubric

Hello readers!!!

This task consists of creating our own rubric to assess CLIL e-projects.
I decided to use Quick rubric  tool because my classmates told me that they had a very good experience with it so I tried. The result was fantastic!! I like it very much. I thing is a very useful and quick tool(as the own name says).

At the time you reate a rubric you have to bear in mind which aspects are relevant and significant in order to assess the final Project. This kind of rubric will facilitate teachers the way in which they evaluate. I decided to include the following 7 aspects:

1. Organization
2.Use of language
3. Quality of content and coherence
4. Creativity
5. Web URLS and accessibility
6. Spelling and grammar
7. Dissemination

The points will be divided in three sections: Proficient (3 points), Emerging (2 points) and Revise your work (1 point).

From my point of view, I think this task has been very useful for me because, I didn`t know how to make rubrics and I have learnt and from now on I will be able to use it in my classroom. Also, it will help students to understand better their marks and they are not going to complain anymore about their unfair grades. With this kind of rubrics, students are going to know exactly what they have wrong and what aspects they have good and why.

If you want to see my rubric and use it in your classroom you have it here

I hope you find it useful!!!!!

Thursday 5 May 2016

My Ict's experience

Hello readers

Unfortunately this experience is finishing!! This is going to be the last mission of the year so I hope you like it. This task consisted of creating a multimedia presentation in order to describe our ict's experience throughout this year.

We have a huge list of tool that we can use  for doing the multimedia presentation.
I finally chose Capzles. I decided to use it because it is a great free online tool which allows you to create very visual presentation using a timeline template. We can add pictures, music, videos and audios. Thanks to that, you can personalise your presentation according to your needs.  I enjoy a lot using this tool.

The only disadvantage that I can say about this tool is that you cannot insert pictures or videos directly  from the web. You have to download it and then add it.

In my multimedia presentation I included many pictures of my previous tasks to explain my summary. Apart from the pictures I also addd my voice to explain the pictures better. If you want to see my presentation, here is my final result:

I would like to say that this last challenge made me remember my whole experienceduring this year and all the bad and good moments that I had. Sometimes, I felt a lot of pressure with some tasks because I didn't know how to do it but it is true that at the end, you always see that moments from a different and more positive point of view. I think I spent a lot of time creating and doing my artifacts so the final result has been good. I have learnt lots of new tools to use them in my classroom. I could not imagine that I would be able to create all the artifacts and projects that I did. That's rewarding!!!

Finally I will like to confess that I loved to participate in our fantastic and amazing CLIL chocotalk.  I have very nice memories about that incredible day!!! It was my first time doing something like that so I was a Little bit nervous but it was really amazing. We made a good job because we worked all together as a team. I cannot find a better way to finish this nice experience that remembering our CLIL CHOCOTALK!!!!!

Thank you very much for all your time spent on reading my posts.

Bye Bye!!!!

Monday 2 May 2016

World Book Day

Good morning readers,

Last 23rd of April was the World book day and to celebrate this we did an especial activity. It consists of recording a video or an audio explaining our favourite books and what type of readers are we. A few lessons ago we learnt how to use Aurasma app, so with that knowledge we had to use it to make this challenge.

The first step to do this challenge was to create a poster with images of our favourite books. I decided to use Piktochart to do my poster. I used Piktochart because I already knew about this fantastic tool and I think it makes things easier and unique. It is a good webtool which contains lots of free templates to design a good infographic.

This is the final trigger image that I used in Aurasma app:

I used also Aurasma. It is a great tool for us and also for students to learn more about Augmented Reality and to use it for learning content in an engaging and motivating way, so I really recommend you to try it in the future.  As I have said before I already explained how does it work in other post but in case you don't remember here is a nice tutorial made by my group:

The second and last  step is to create your video or an audio. In my presentation with audio I recommend you some of my favourite books:

-Sister by Danielle Steel
- Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom
- The new education by César Bona

All these books make an important role during my whole life, if you want to know why and know more about these books you have to follow my Aurasma channel : paulalamas

We also send our contribution to A Wall of books, the social collaborative board to celebrate World Book Day on Pinterest. Here you can see my peer's fantastic contributions and my work , of course.

Thursday 28 April 2016

Assessment rubric

Hello readers!!!

This task consists of creating our own rubric to assess CLIL e-projects.
I decided to use Quick Rubric tool because my classmates told me that they had a very good experience with it so I tried. The result was fantastic!! I like it very much. I thing is a very useful and quick tool(as the own name says). At the time you reate a rubric you have to bear in mind which aspects are relevant and significant in order to assess the final Project. This kind of rubric will facilitate teachers the way in which they evaluate.

I decided to include the following 7 aspects:

1. Organization
2.Use of language
3. Quality of content and coherence
4. Creativity
5. Web URLS and accessibility
6. Spelling and grammar
7. Dissemination

The points will be divided in three sections: Proficient (3 points), Emerging (2 points) and Revise your work (1 point).

From my point of view, I think this task has been very useful for me because, I didn`t know how to make rubrics and I have learnt and from now on I will be able to use it in my classroom. Also, it will help students to understand better their marks and they are not going to complain anymore about their unfair grades. With this kind of rubrics, students are going to know exactly what they have wrong and what aspects they have good and why.

If you want to see my rubric and use it in your classroom you have it here

Saturday 23 April 2016

Augmentative reality. Aurasma app

Good afternoon everybody!!

This assignment was the last one that we did in groups. It consisted of creating a collaborative slideshow about how to use Aurasma app through a tutorial. This tutorial will support students to learn about Aurasma. We have decided to do a tutorial about Aurasma because students have worked previously with this app in the last assignment about infographics.  

We have decided to divide the tasks in our group. Two of us wrote the dialogue that we are going to record in the tutorial and the rest of the team searched about how to use the tutorial called  Screencast-o-matic. It is an online tool that you have to downloaded. Once you have downloaded it, you can start working on it. It is a very easy and useful tool. We had to record it twice because in the first time the sentences we not well-coordinated with the actions of the computer mouse. If you want to see our final result go down. 

We participated again in a collaborative project that is called A por TICS . It consists of creating tutorials from different students about different topics .As we did it with all the previous tasks we have already send our task to the collaborative project but this time we are waiting for the answer and to get our award. 

I would like to finish with an idea for teachers. As teachers it is important to know how to create tutorials and how to use Aurasma app in order to teach their students this fantastic tool and how they can use it to create better and fun projects.

Thank you all for your time spent reading this new post. 

Video challenge

Hello everybody!!

For  this mission we continued working by the same groups.
My groupmates are : Mara Dominguez, Neus Fiol, Marta Gayarre and Álvaro Gómez. 
This assignment consisted of creating a draft that explains what is the video about. We decided to use with Google Docs. If you want to see our draft click here

Once we create our Storyboard we started working on our video. We recorded this video in Moncloa neighbourhood. We had to record it twice because of the wind sound. 
We have used a tool called IMovie. I have used this tool before and I think it is fantastic. It is an amazing and useful tool to edit videos. If you want to see the final result you can do it here: 

To conclude this post I would like to say that this fantastic project is going to be part of the collaborative project called The ESL Times
It is a great project where students share their knowledge through different types of activities in English. We send our storyboard and video, as we did it with our infoedugraphic project, to their mail and theu gave us another award: 

A Live CLIL Chocotalk

Hi everybody!!

Last April 7th was a special day, you know why? My classmates and I we made a live CLIL chocotalk!!

That chocotalk consisted of one component of each group was talking and debating and the rest were in charge of being content curators and also disseminate the information. 

My group roles were: 
Speaker:  @Alvaro_Gope @nepeuspu
Disseminate the information: @marta_Gayarre
Content curators: @maradominguezgo @22paau

The different topics exlained during the chocotalk were all related to CLIL. The first one was the advantages and disadvantages of CLIL, the second one was social and emotional benefits of CLIL, the third one was the role of the ICTS in the classroom and the last one was an introduction of all of our CLIL E-projects. The E-projects are:  History, body, animals, space, neighbourhood and travelling through Europe.

Here you can see a label that announce the event:

If you want to see the final and amazing result, you can see here our fantastic Live chocotalk!!!!

I hope you like it because we worked very hard to make this possible. It was a group work so all the members of the group participated at the same time:  disseminators, content curators and speakers. 

If you want to see the content curators' job you can see it here

Finally I would like to appreciate Chococharlas  to let us to participate in this collaborative projects.


Sunday 17 April 2016

Do you know your neighbourhood? CLIL E-PROJECT

Good afternoon everybody!!!

My ICT lessons now are going to be organised by groups. My group is called: Do you know your neighbourhood? 

My classmates @Alvaro_Gope @marta_Gayarre @maradominguezgo @nepeuspu are in my team. 

Our first assignment was to create an infographic with a speific objective for our CLIL e-prject called  Do you know your neighbourhood? 

Our main goal is that students know better their surroundings through different online and life activities. In the group we have assigned the following roles: 

Supervisor: @marta_Gayarre
Coordinator: @Alvaro_Gope
Speaker: @nepeuspu
Secretaries: @maradominguezgo @22paau

Our objective to design the infographic was to give a clue about the topic but you need to use Aurasma app in order to discover more about how it works. That is why we created a video to explain briefly the contents that children are going to work on. 
We have decided to use Canva because it was the tool that has more resources to create this type of infographic. 
Here is our infographic that is connected with Aurasma if you click on the QR code.

Here is the twitter link if you want to see it!!!

If you are interested in our topic and you know to learn more about it you can see my classmates' blogs: 

Finally I would like to finish this post saying that we had the opportunity to participate in a national project. We sent our infographics to Proyecto InfoEdugrafías and they have published our info graphic in his blog and they also gave us this award: 

Sunday 20 March 2016

CLIL e-project prototype

Hello everybody!!
Last week I had to take a new challenge for my ICT class. I had to make a prototype of what our final CLIL e-project for this subject was going to be like. The first thing I did was to make a draft or outline of my e-project using a template given by my teacher Maria Jesús. 
If you want to take a look to my outline click here
After this, I created my e-project presetation with Powtoon. I chose it because everybody was talking about this tool and I wanted to know how it works. After using it I can tell that is very fun because you can change the position of the characters and also their facial expressions, you can change the colours of the clothes. It is a very nice and useful tool to use it in a classroom with Primary students. 


 I would like to show the final result of my CLIL e-project. Click  here  if you want to watch it. 

Evaluating CLIL eproject

Good afternoon everybody!!

Here it is the link  of the blog that I used to do my evaluation of one CLIL eproject.  

After looking some blogs I choose this one. I decided to choose this blog because I love how she explains mathematics and geometry through cooking games and activities. 

Doing this evaluation has been very useful for me because I have learnt which things can I include in my blog and which ones not. I decided to do it with genially because I think is a very useful and different website to make easy, visual and attractive presentations.  

Doing this kind of evaluation is a nice way to learn from our own mistakes and we can put in practise with our students. 

Here  you can see my evaluation!!

I hope you like it =) 

Tuesday 1 March 2016


Hello everybody!

I am really enjoying working with Pinterest

Pinterest is a social webpage in which it is really easy to create an account, and you can start using it today, it is completely free. 

We can say that  it is like a virtual board in which you can find, share and post images, videos of any topic. 

I create this webmix with lots of useful resources taken from our collaborative board

I hope you like my CLIL webmix, thank you.
See you soon!

Open CLIL bank of common knowledge


Here it is the link to our bank of common knowledge if you want to check information and very useful CLIL resources!!

These are six webpages and videos that I posted in the bank of common knowledege: 

1.Primary Games

Play free online games for kids on PrimaryGames. Site features learning games, action games, puzzles, card games, virtual worlds, coloring pages, and more!

Check the pin here!

2. Professions

Lovely song to learn some professions. Nice visual aids.

Check the pin here!

3. Transports

Song to learn different transports. Perfect for 1st graders.

Check the pin here!

4. Move your body song

Nice song to learn some body parts.

Check the pin here!

5. English activities

On this web you can find different activities for children who are acquiring a foreing language. You can work different topics through the activities the website offers.
Check the pin here!

6.  Shops game

Interesting and attractive web in which children can practice the names of different shops. They have to make a link between the food and the shop where they can buy them.

Check the pin here! 

I hope you like my resources!! Thank you 

Creative Commons (CC) reflections

I used Creative Commons because it is a non-profit organization devoted to expanding the range of creative works available for others to build upon legally and to share.

My blog license allows others to copy and share the material in any format. Also to adapt, transform and create the material. Unless you follow the license terms you cannot be allowed to revoke these freedoms.

One way to motivate my students to use Creative Commons material and attributed properly will be to protect always our projects and make them unique and personal. Teachers have to make children aware and conscious about this important issue. Teachers must highlight that not all the online resources and materials are free to use, for using some you will have to pay. I think that a good way to do this is creating a debate to talk with them about what they worried about and what they like.

Monday 22 February 2016

My PLE and PLN with

Hello everybody!
Here is my mind map about my learning process through CLIL :

After sharing my mind map with all of you I would like to explain why I have used this web tool. The web tool that I have used is because it was the most attractive that I saw in the list. I think it is a very useful tool that can help to organize the ideas and offer a variety of colours, shapes and templates.  It is very easy to use.
Regarding CLIL I have to say that I didn’t know anything about it until I started this Master’s degree. During these months I have learnt the concept of CLIL, characteristics, strategies, resources and activities. An important aspect about this is that we learnt how to put them in practise in our classrooms.
Finally I would like to write  about the distribution about my PLE and PLN :
1.      My PLE (Personal Learning Environment) that it is based on the searching that I do to know more about CLIL. For example: google, word reference and Youtube
2.      My PLN (Personal Learning Network): Twitter, facebook, whatsapp and Instagram.

I  hope you like it

Learning by twittering

TWITTER is an amazing website and a good way of catching up on the latest news, following your fiends and fostering the hash-tag phenomenon.
 Our hash-tag is #ictclil_urjc so you can find many opinions and ideas about CLIL.

Here is my tweet:

321 Introduction with Story jumper

My name is Paula Lamas Curto, I'm 22 years-old and I live in Boadilla del Monte(MADRID).
I am a Pre Primary teacher, currently working at Mirabal School. I'm a bilingual teacher and I teach English to some classes of 5 years of Pre Primary Education. During the last three years I have been working as a Supervisor and invigilator of Cambridge exams at International House of Madrid 

This year is my fifth year studying in this university ( URJC) because I studied a degree in Pre Primary Education and when I finish it I started to study this Master in Bilingual Education. I decided to study this Master because I would like to learn everything about Bilingualism and techinques and methods to teach in a bilingual classroom.

From my point of view Storyjumper is a useful resource to use in schools because it is very attractive for children and it is going to catch their attention. Storyjumper is a very creative tool because it is a book. I had never heard about it before, but it is really easy and quick.  You can adapt and change your story the times you want. Also you can add colours, personal images, different shapes, characters and text. At the end, if you want to upload it on internet it is possible to do it. 

Here is my life , I hope you like it :